Happiness is something you need, especially on these cold dull days, and the brand Clinique gives that to you, except it comes in a small, cute-shaped bottle. Clinique also makes amazing lip gloss. I got some for Christmas and I was like really excited just 'cause it came in a really cute box. Besides the fact that the box is cute, it is a really good gloss that also moisturizes and leaves a bit of colour, which everybody needs because your summer tan is long gone and is still along way away from returning.

Jan 31, 2011
Jan 28, 2011
Lights, Camera, Awesome
I was reading about this website named www.fredflare.com so I decided to check it out, and OMG it's amazing! They sell everything from giant gummy bears to shoes. While I was surfing the sight, I found the coolest and strangest stuff. Something that really caught my attention though was a ring that had a camera on it (doesn't actually take pictures) talk about unique though. I ended up ordering it, the shipping cost more than the ring itself but it was worth it.
Jan 25, 2011
The Pink Crimp
I had been looking around for a 3 barrel curling iron but I couldn't seem to find one. So when I was getting by hair cut at the salon I saw a crimper and I thought that was the next best thing.
The crimper is small but the kink it gives lasts forever. I used it last night and the kink is still there as I type. One problem though is that it will take FOREVER to crimp every piece of hair. This crimper is made by FHI Heart.
Jan 24, 2011
Mondays Suck
Mondays suck! Unless of course you're one of those morning people. But I mean, come on, who could like them especially in the winter when you wake up and it's still dark outside.
The only thing that makes it worse is taking the bus. I have to stand outside for 20 minutes waiting with the wind blowing my hair onto my face so it ends up getting stuck to my mouth because of my sticky lipgloss. Recently though I found the cure by using CoverGirl's Natureluxe gloss balm. It has SPF and gives your lips a glossy look. The best part is that it's not sticky at all! It made my Monday a bit more bearable.
Jan 20, 2011
Testing Testing
I was looking through some magazines and I noticed that nail art is now totally in. I saw a picture of a girl with a floral design on her nails and decided to try it out. This was the first time I had attempted something like this so I didn't know what to expect. After I finished I realized that even if you mess up ( which I did ) it can still look pretty good. Although, my flowers sorta just look like oddly shaped fire works.
Jan 17, 2011
Cute Things Happen In 3's
So, today is Blue Monday the most depressing day of the year, and being the coldest day of the year doesn't make it any better. To make myself feel better I was going to do my nails and while looking through my nail polish collection I realised I had 3 of the same colour, courtesy of the holidays. People say bad things come in 3's but when it comes to nail polish, that is SO not bad!
The O.P.I. one is named Teal The Cows Come Home, ( I really question that ) the 60 Seconds one is called Green With Envy, and the Sally Hansen one doesn't seem to have a name. Hopefully this cute colour will lighten up the day and add a sparkle to it.
Jan 16, 2011
First Impressions
In this blog called All That Shines I am going to post a new lip gloss each week so when January 16th 2012 comes around there will be 52 different lip glosses on this blog and a few other
random things that shine along the way.
First impressions are tough and so are choices but this gloss wand makes both of those things 6x easier.
I got it as a gift and when I saw it the first thing I thought was how is it going to fit in my pocket? Then I thought the colours were going to run out fast, but they haven't and who ever actually ever uses a whole tube of lip gloss? This 6 coloured sparkly wand was from Sephora.
My blog link- www.lovethatlipgloss.blogspot.com